
The mobility workshop in few words …

Our journey began with Greek participants in Larissa traveling to Pisa to meet the Italian team. Together, we then traveled to Hungary to complete our team. Each activity detailed in this guide includes information on the duration and the number of participants involved.

Over the 20-day workshop period, from July 3 to July 21, 2023, the project coordinators and trainers meticulously planned almost 8 hours of activities each day. The days were structured to start with energizers or icebreakers, setting a dynamic and engaging tone. These were followed by a combination of longer and shorter activities, tailored to the location, space availability, and weather conditions.

During our stay, we encountered extreme heat in Italy, heavy rains in Austria and Hungary, and wildfires in Greece, with temperatures exceeding 45°C. Despite these challenges, we adapted our schedule accordingly. Longer activities spanned multiple sessions over more than two days, while shorter activities were designed to last between one to two hours.

Each day concluded with feedback sessions, allowing participants to reflect on their experiences and progress. Additionally, the schedule included theoretical sessions on hologram technology, dedicated filming time, and performance rehearsals. This comprehensive approach ensured a rich, engaging, and educational experience, fostering creativity and collaboration across various disciplines.

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